2025 Chi Nei Tsang Training Schedule
January 19 a One day introduction to Chi Nei Tsang; Abdominal Acupressure.
Bellingham 8 CEU
February 5-7 Chi Nei Tsang 1 Tucson, AZ 21 CEU
February 9 MELT for pain relief of Hands and Feet. Tucson, AZ
February 20-22 Chi Nei Tsang 2, Tucson, AZ 21 CEU
March 7-9 Chi Nei Tsang 1 Bellingham, WA 21 CEU
April 13 One day introduction to Ampuku, level 2 Chi Nei Tsang, Bellingham
May 23-25 Chi Nei Tsang / Ampuku level 2 Bellingham, Wa 21 CEU
June 20-22 Chi Nei Tsang level 1 Bend, Oregon (21 CEU)
September 23-25 CNT level 1 Santa Fe, NM 21 CEU
October CNT/ Ampuku Level 2 Bellingham, Wa 21 CEU
Chi Nei Tsang Level 1
February 5-7, 2025 Tucson, AZ (Location: Massage CE Institute, Tucson )
March 7-9 Chi Nei Tsang level 1 Bellingham, WA
June 20-22 Level 1 Bend, Oregon
September 24-26 Santa Fe, New Mexico
Chi Nei Tsang is a wholistic approach to massage therapy with roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Learn basic hands-on techniques to restore health and vitality to the internal organs
Integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts and techniques into your practice
This course will cover the history and fundamental principles of Chi Nei Tsang, beginning anatomy & physiology of the internal organs, Taoist meditations and breathing exercises, qigong to increase the flow of chi through your body, and several treatment protocol. You will have a firm foundation in this ancient healing tradition. Techniques are easily incorporated into your existing massage sessions. Benefits all ages, including children.
Benefits of Chi Nei Tsang:
Improved energy and sleep
Improved physical and emotional digestion
Regulation of elimination
Relief from abdominal pain
Improved metabolism for vibrant health
Self Empowerment over your sense of well being
Reduction in Pelvic Pain
You will learn:
*To identify the location and function of the internal organs
*Several treatment protocols, including a full body detoxifying routine
*Manual and Energetic techniques to improve digestion and alleviate abdominal pain
*Opening the diaphragm for better breathing
*Introduction to the five elements theory
*Qigong and meditation to boost your energy level and harmonize organs
Please bring a massage table, sheets, bolster. No oil is used in this class.
$550 9-5 daily
21 CE from NCBTMB Live class
Location: Tucson Massage CE Institute. 620 N. 7th avenue
Beginners Welcome!
Registration form is on the "classes" page
or call 505 670-3538 to use a credit card. Venmo: @Caryn-Diel
Recommended Reading "The Mountain Path, Taoist healing with Chi Nei Tsang" by Caryn Boyd Diel. Available from Amazon
Instructor: Caryn Boyd Diel has been teaching this class since 2000. She has been a certified instructor with NCBTMB since 2000, joined AMTA in 1995 and is a member of WSMTA. In 2014 she was recognized as a Senior Instructor of the Universal Healing Tao in Switzerland by Master Mantak Chia. She enjoys introducing students to this powerful healing modality which is anchored by Traditional Chinese Medicine and follows the ancient Daoist beliefs in the necessity of a healthy body. Caryn has been teaching CNT for 23 years. Her book, "The Mountain Path" explains the history of this healing art and gives students guidance on how to offer a Chi Nei Tsang session.
CNT level 2 classes
Chi Nei Tsang / Ampuku; Abdominal and Meridian Therapy
February 20-22, 2025 Tucson, AZ
Location: 620 N. 7th avenue. Massage CE Institute, Tucson
April 13 1 day intro to CNT 2 / Ampuku. Bellingham
May 23-25 Bellingham, Wa
October 3 day class Bellingham, Wa (date TBA)
CNT 2 /Ampuku course overview
In CNT level 2 we will Review and expand on the CNT 1 curriculum.
Trace the history and development of Chi Nei Tsang (Anmo) and Ampuku as a healing modality and its migration through in Asia, from China to Japan.
Ampuku, sometimes referred to as Abdominal Acupressure is an ancient practice from Japan that preceeded Shiatsu. Learn an entire treatment for the back of the body to tame and descend excess Yang chi.
Learn a treatment to open the diaphragm and to correct internal patterns of tension and chi flow, and the resulting mis-alignments of the posture. Understand how posture affects organ health and learn to access and identify where fascial stress is inhibiting movement in the body. NEW Risui treatment technique
Dive into the Meridians, including the 8 extraordinary meridians which affect our constitution. Learn to access the magic of the meridians to "tune" the body
Learn treatments to purge stagnant energy with Hand Scanning; “chasing the winds” through the meridians of the arms, legs, head and chest.
We will look at the ancient roots of "Ampuku" as is was practiced hundreds of years ago and use similar techniques and hand positions and learn an entire treatment for the head, back, legs and feet.
Enjoy the benefits of Bone Breathing Qigong to prevent osteoporosis and Swimming Dragon for the spine.
Understand how to reposition the Uterus, Bladder and Prostate for better health and chi flow. You will learn an entire Pelvic Health treatment
Learn a psoas release technique and advanced techniques.
We will practice several CNT 2 treatment protocol for chasing the winds adapted to the needs of the client and introduce tuning forks
Learn how the sacred geometry of the I Ching Bagua and the 8 Trigrams relate to healing.
To register email: whitecloudnm@aol.com. or call 505 670-3538 to use a credit card. Pay Pal or venmo @Caryn-Diel
$550 9-5 daily
21 CE from NCBTMB Live class
Location: 620 N. 7th avenue. Massage CE Institute, Tucson
April 13
Introduction to Chi Nei Tsang level 2 / Ampuku
Join a one day overview of the concepts and basic techniques of Chi Nei Tsang 2 /Ampuku. You will leave with some new concepts and techniques which expand on the level 1 curriculum. Learn to chase the winds and utilize tuning forks to energize the meridians. We will do some focused Qigong and meditation to support your CNT practice and self care.
9-5pm. Location is the Chuckanut Center in Fairhaven.
Tuition is $150.
call to register 505 670-3538
Instructor: Caryn Boyd Diel
founder of White Cloud Institute. Author of “The Mountain Path, Taoist Healing with Chi Nei Tsang”. Caryn was recognized as a Senior Instructor of the Universal Healing Tao in 2014 by Master Mantak Chia in Switzerland. She has thoroughly studied and developed the Level 2 CNT materials to bring this powerful advanced course to students. She is currently writing the Ampuku; CNT level 2 instruction manual for students which will be published in 2025.
Please copy and paste the registration form that is on the Calendar page, or Call 505 670-3538
Chi Nei Tsang /Ampuku
January 19, 2025
One day introduction to Daoist Abdominal Massage/Acupressure
8 ceu from NCBTMB
Bellingham, Wa
This introductory 8 hour class is designed to teach you the basic principles and techniques of Chi Nei Tsang, an ancient Chinese healing modality which holds a prominent place in modern day health care. Learn why medical doctors in China were required to study this information in the past.
Today, we understand that learning about Gut health is essential to overall health, and our microbiome is challenged daily by changes in our environment. This information is immediately useful in your practice and at home with friends and family
This class will guide you through basic CNT treatment techniques, which rely on an understanding of anatomy of physiology of the internal organs. Class is a combination of lecture and demonstration, including hands on work with a partner on a massage table.
Learn basic hands-on techniques to restore health and vitality to the internal organs. This course will cover the history and fundamental principles of Chi Nei Tsang, Daoist meditations and breathing exercises, qigong to increase the flow of chi through your body, and several treatment protocol.
What to Bring: Massage table, fitted sheet and bolster. Wear comfortable clothing as you will stay clothed on the table, with only your abdomen exposed. No oils are used in Chi Nei Tsang treatments. Handouts and other support materials are included in this class.
Tuition: $150 payable with Venmo, Zelle or credit card.
Register: call 505 670-3538
email: whitecloudnm@aol.com
Class location: The Chuckanut Center in Fairhaven, WA
Healthy Gut support with Microbiome products
Click the button below to get product information and receive your discount from Caryn2025
"I have been using Microbiome Labs probiotic for many years and
would recommend that you have a look at them" Caryn
This class will be offered sometime in 2025
Chi Nei Tsang for Families
Chi Nei Tsang is Abdominal Massage which brings Health and Vitality to the belly and to our whole being. Learn to care for yourself and your family with this very simple massage practice.
You will learn basic hands on massage techniques to treat many common abdominal problems and experience using Steamed Herbal poultices on the abdomen.
This work is appropriate for all ages, from the young infant to the very elderly family member, and everyone between. No prior experience is necessary.
July 13. 1-4pm Location: Edmonds, Washington
Workshop fee is $75. Children under 19 Free. Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a massage table if you have one, or a blanket for the floor, and a bolster or pillow.
Instructor: Caryn Boyd Diel, is a Senior Healing Tao Instructor and the Founder of White Cloud Institute.
Please call with any specific questions. 505 670-3538
email: AmethystbytheSea@aol.com
Web: WhiteCloudInstitute.info

Join the

Learn new Qigong practices to share with your clients and to enhance your own cultivation practice..

Learn how to "take the waters"
Learn how to "take the waters"
During Chi Nei Tsang Retreats Caryn will talk about the history of "Taking the Waters" and how to best use natural hot springs.

Join us in Sedona, Arizona
We will be looking at the Vortex energy that is prevalent on this land and learn how to apply Geomancy to our healing practice.
Join us in Sedona, Arizona
We will be looking at the Vortex energy that is prevalent on this land and learn how to apply Geomancy to our healing practice.
Anpuku Ryoho
Abdominal Massage and Therapy.
Article from yotsume dojo in Arizona. (2017)
Anpuku means “to ease or calm the Hara”. The Hara being the abdomen or the Tanden. Ryoho means therapy. Anpuku Ryoho can be traced back to the Nara and Heian periods in Japan (710-1185 AD) During the later part of this period Anpuku therapy was called Haratori.
One theory says that Anpuku entered Japan from China at the same time as Acupuncture and other medical arts. A second theory says, it entered on its own separately. Anpuku therapy has always been closely related to Koho Anma, Traditional Japanese Massage, and has always been highly respected.
During the Edo period (1602-1868 AD) Ampuku, Anma and other branches of Oriental medicine reached their peak. Toward the end of this period the Shogunate (Japanese government) made Anma and Anpuku a form of welfare for the blind. This period in conjunction with WWII brought much decline to high level medicine in Japan. Most techniques for curing disease with Ampuku therapy were lost and the art became simple abdominal massage.
After WWII bodywork medicine became one of the primary professions for the blind and schooling now often takes place in schools for the blind. Many anma practitioners in Japan advertised as Anma and Anpuku together and apply techniques very lightly. When working at a true therapeutic level. Techniques are not always pleasant to receive.
During the 1960s many therapists in Japan began researching the old ways of medicine again. During this time, Shizuto Masunaga, the founder of a style of Shiatsu (finger pressure therapy) translated into modern Japanese and published a work on Anpuku called the Anpuku Zukai ( illustrations of Anpuku). This work was written during the Edo period by an Anpuku therapist by the name of Shunsai Ota. This manuscript is now the foundation of modern Anpuku therapy.
(This book was recently translated into English and other languages by Philippe Vandenabeele by Shinzui Bodywork International Institute. Note from Caryn Boyd Diel)
Japanese Medical Views of the Abdominal Region
In Oriental medicine the abdomen (Tanden) is the most important part of the body because the Tanden is the center of Ki (inner life force) and many of the internal organs are housed in this region. In the abdomen there is a point below the navel known as Kikai (Chihai). This means a sea of energy. This point on the body is where a mixture and uniting of different types of Ki occurs. In Taoist influenced medicine and spirituality, there are three types of KI: Tenki – Heaven Energy, Chiki – Earth Energy, and Jinki - human Energy. Heaven energy and Earth energy enter the body at the top of the head and at the bottom of the feet and then they both run into the abdomen and unite at the kikai point to form Jinki (Human Energy).
To quote the oldest medical text in Japan known as the Ishinpo: “When the energies of Heaven and Earth combine Humans are formed”. This is why the region of the abdomen is held in such high regard in Oriental medicine. Anpuku Ryoho (Abdominal Therapy) assists in the clean combination of energies that naturally takes place in the Hara/Tanden. Anpuku therapy is very deeply linked to Fukushin (Abdominal Diagnosis). This diagnosis method became more developed in Japan then in China where is seems to have been replaced with tongue diagnosis. Fukushin consists of various methods for retrieving information from the abdominal region.
The Effects of Anpuku Ryoho Abdominal Therapy
*Releases the congestion of Ki (vital life force)
*Relaxes and detoxifies the internal organs
*Harmonizes the stomach and intestinal functions
*Promotes digestion and elimination
*Smoothes the blood flow and adjusts the pulse
*Opens the joints
*Assists Structural rebalancing
*Replaces the internal organs to their proper locations
*Makes the muscles flexible
*Moistens the skin
*Increases the mental powers
*Strengthens the memory and the body
*Balances the emotions
*Assists longevity